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In Northern California two successful CEOs are both indispensable to their growing companies futures. Both are brilliant at the power game. But the difference between them is huge. One is a man, the other a woman. In this riveting novel, Danielle Steel explores what that means as she takes readers into the rarefied world of those at the pinnacle of international business and reveals the irrevocable choices they make, what drives them, and how others perceive them. The heady drug of power impacts everything they do. Power PlayEven though Harvard-educated Fiona Carson has proven herself under fire as CEO of National Technology Advancement, a multibillion-dollar high-tech company based in Palo Alto, California, she still has to meet the challenges of her world every day. Devoted single mother, world-class strategist, and tough negotiator, Fiona weighs every move she makes, and reserves any personal time for her children. Isolation and constant pressure are givens for her as a woman in a mans world. Miles away in Marin County, Marshall Weston basks in the fruits of his achievements. At his side is his wife, Liz, the perfect corporate spouse, who has gladly sacrificed her own law career to raise their three children and support Marshall at every step. Smooth, shrewd, and irreproachable, Marshall is a model chief executive, and the power he wields only enhances his charisma and is his drug of choice. And to maintain his position, he harbors secrets that could destroy his life at any moment. His world is one of high risks. Like many women in her position, Fiona has sacrificed her personal life for her career, while Marshall dances dangerously close to the edge and flirts with scandal every day. Both must face their own demons, and fight off those who are jealous of their success. Their lives as CEOs of major companies come at a high price. And just how high a price are they willing to pay Who are they willing to sacrifice to stay on top Those they love, or themselves Danielle Steels gripping, emotionally layered novel explores the seductive and damaging nature of power. Success and greed, trust and deception, love and lossall come to a head in this compelling drama of family, careers, infidelity, and the sacrifices some people make to hold on to poweror to let it go. Power Play! (manga) - Anime News Network If you're a historian an animation buff or just looking for a movie that's like nothing you've seen you'll find Momotaro Sacred Sailors well worth watching Power Rangers: Aftershock Graphic Novel Review - IGN Power Rangers: Aftershock is a graphic novel that takes place directly after the events of the new movie Check out our review SparkNotes: Lord of the Flies: Themes Motifs & Symbols Description and explanation of the major themes of Lord of the Flies This accessible literary criticism is perfect for anyone faced with Lord of the Flies essays Play online learn online and feed the hungry Freericecom Freerice is based at the United Nations World How can I report obscene or inappropriate groups or profiles? Freerice is used by a wide range of people Exclusive: Animated Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel Ad A new ad ripped from the pages of Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel puts an animated face on the shady transactions of the Clinton Foundation Power Play U Star Novels An explicit personalised erotic novel about the thrill of power games erotic control and submitting to the passions of a lover Vril - Wikipedia The Coming Race is an 1871 novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton reprinted as Vril the Power of the Coming Race Among its readers have been those who believed that its The Power and the Glory - Wikipedia The Power and the Glory (1940) is a novel by British author Graham Greene The title is an allusion to the doxology often recited at the end of the Lord's Prayer SparkNotes : Lord of the Flies : Study Questions & Essay Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel in that it contains characters and objects that directly represent the novels themes and ideas Goldings central point Want a Powerful Theme for Your Novel? Play Devil's Favoritism has no place in a powerful theme Why? Because your readers will sniff it out in a second and instinctively discount your truth a little bit
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