Get The Evolution of Love

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Lampert presents the story of love: when, why, and how love became a central experience of humans. Assuming that our world is built of matter, she states that evolution is the change of this matter, according to the supreme criterion of success in offspring reproduction. Love evolved because of its contribution to reproduction. It first appeared in the mothers of mammals, who used the body's proximity as a main adaptation. Human love expands its borders to include the relationships between women and men, friends, and even nonhuman subjects. Lampert describes motherhood as the source of the genetic, hormonal, brain, and behavioral changes that we call love. In the sexual stage, love enters both as a way to select a partner and as a bonding force. Sexuality is built upon ancient layers of early forms of life, before humanity, and includes strong elements of aggression which interrupt our ability to experience a peaceful sexual life. Maternal love and sexual love combine in the evolution of the family. Lampert also examines homosexual love as a way to look at the fascinating process of growing sexual identity and behavior in an individual.Written in a style suited to any educated person, Lampert uses current scientific knowledge on the brain, hormones, the nervous system, ethology, psychology, and even modern physics to make her case. This book will be of interest to students and scholars alike. The evolution of the Batman symbol Logo Design Love Thats quite a coincidence as I thought just yesterday how interesting an article about super hero-logos and especially the batman symbol would be :-) Tricky - Evolution Revolution Love - YouTube Music video by the trip-hop star Tricky Spiritual Evolution - Love - The Meaning of Life The Path to your Spiritual Evolution for the awakened soul to find peace the Self and turn to home with Love 9 Evolution Emotion and Reason: Love (Guest Lecture by Guest lecturer Peter Salovey Professor of Psychology and Dean of Yale College introduces students to the dominant psychological theories of love and Lecture 9 - Evolution Emotion and Reason: Love (Guest Guest lecturer Peter Salovey Professor of Psychology and Provost of Yale University introduces students to the dominant psychological theories of love and attraction Evolution: Why Sex? - PBS In evolutionary terms sex is more important than life itself Sex fuels evolutionary change by adding variation to the gene pool The powerful urge to pass our genes Evolution-pbs Evolution is a co-production of the WGBH/NOVA Science Unit and Clear Blue Sky Productions @2001 WGBH Educational Foundation and Clear Blue Sky Productions REVOLUTION AGAINST EVOLUTION - A REVOLUTION OF GOD'S LOVE A site with links to a number of essays on the Creation-Evolution controversy Evolution - Baby Lock - For the Love of Sewing Description The advanced 8-thread Evolution serger brings you the latest evolution in threading technology with ExtraordinAir threading With just one push of a Starbucks logo evolution Logo Design Love An evolved look for the 40th anniversary of the coffee shop giant created by the Starbucks in-house design team and Lippincott
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