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Author of Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education, John Dewey (18591952), was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been very influential to education and social reform. John Dewey's most significant writings were "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology" (1896), a critique of a standard psychological concept and the basis of all his further work; Democracy and Education (1916), his celebrated work on progressive education; Human Nature and Conduct (1922), a study of the function of habit in human behavior; The Public and its Problems (1927), a defense of democracy written in response to Walter Lippmann's The Phantom Public (1925); Experience and Nature (1925), John Dewey's most "metaphysical" statement; Art as Experience (1934), John Dewey's major work on aesthetics; A Common Faith (1934), a humanistic study of religion originally delivered as the Dwight H. Terry Lectureship at Yale; Logic: The Theory of Inquiry (1938), a statement of John Dewey's unusual conception of logic; Freedom and Culture (1939), a political work examining the roots of fascism; and Knowing and the Known (1949), a book written in conjunction with Arthur F. Bentley that systematically outlines the concept of trans-action, which is central to his other works. While each of these works focuses on one particular philosophical theme, John Dewey included his major themes in most of what he published. John Dewey published more than 700 articles in 140 journals, and approximately 40 books. His main interests were: Philosophy of education, Epistemology, Journalism, and Ethics. Criticism of democracy - Wikipedia Criticism of democracy may consist of claims of it being economically inefficient politically idealistic dysfunctional morally corrupt or simply suboptimal education for democracy @ the encyclopedia of informal education for democracy While our aims change with situations all educators it can be argued share a larger purpose - to foster democracy But what does this mean? Democracy and Education - University of Vermont Democracy and Education Schools and Communities Initiative Conceptual Framework and Preliminary Findings May 8 2000 Why Does Democracy Need Education? - NBER Why Does Democracy Need Education? Edward Glaeser Giacomo Ponzetto Andrei Shleifer NBER Working Paper No 12128 Issued in April 2006 NBER Program(s): EFG LE PE POL The South African Democracy Education Trust (SADET) The South African Democracy Education Trust (SADET) was established as a project Trust after President Thabo Mbeki indicated his concern about the paucity of Education and Democracy - Macalester College The Complex Interplay of Education and Democracy Along with the cultural social and economic factors shaping contemporary public education specific goals and their Civics Welcome Welcome The Civics and Citizenship Education website contains resources information activities and links for teachers students and parents involved in civics and democracyorg democracyorg People Rule Name Email Learning transforms lives EDC New skills and knowledge can spark a lifetime of change Every day EDCs programs in education health and economic development deliver life-changing Center for Education in Law and Democracy The Center for Education in Law and Democracy is a Colorado non-profit non-partisan educational organization that promotes and supports the development of responsible
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